Tuesday, September 4, 2007

As a book reviewer...

I review books for certain groups. I will not name any names as this may cause a conflict of interest to many parties.

As such, I have come to know many writers. Some I have even become close friends with. I make it a point to know quite a bit about the writers I review for. I make sure that I visit their sites as they have asked me to or I have felt it only right that I do. Especially the ones that I thoroughly enjoy reading, it's the best way to keep up with whatever they're coming out with. My to be read pile is never-ending thanks to authors like AP Miller, Daisy Dexter Dobbs, Anya Bast, Alexandra Benedict, Victoria Alexander and many others.

Furthermore, as I have become friends with many of them, it always disheartens me to read slanderous things about them online. I think that I have come to know some writers well enough to be able to fire back at a certain Karen and others who may think it . But I refuse to grace her blog with comments because I figure I can say more here. So over the course of time I think that I will write blogs about my favorite authors and their books and how much of an impact their friendships have been because many of them have become close friends over time.

I will begin these blogs soon. And no I will not back down from a certain person named Karen because someone has to put her in her place. May not be me that does it but I will certainly add my voice to the campaign. As always, these are my opinions. What you think is your own prerogative. What Karen does with it will be interesting to see.

Kitty D.

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