Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Why I started my blog here

There are many wonderful writers who may have been maliciously slighted by a certain Karen. And this is why my entire blog here started. Seems a certain individual named Karen thinks she knows best and thinks she speaks for everyone. Well, here is one person Karen does not speak for. I don't enjoy the way Karen rips writers apart with such malicious joy I begin to wonder what sort of drugs she partakes in. I mean, her blogs are always full of such blatant and derogatory remarks about writers it's just not nice. She's like the Enquirer of the writers world and we all know that such printings are just all junk and made up garbage for small minded people to have something to believe in. Yes, there are just a load of people out there that rely on these "rag mags" for the honest to God hook up on who's screwing who and what celeb was sexually assaulted by beings from outer space this week. Good heavens, people, please get off the crack. Elvis is dead. He does not live on Saturn. He will not be coming back during the winter solstice to impregnate you.

Karen has sparked my ire and a few others. Recently, a writer friend directed me to Karen's blog and some of the things I have read there have really irked me. I have many friends who are published authors who have been her victims in her blogs. There is one in particular right now that really took a beating from Karen and it offended me royally and I take offense for this friend. While this is a free country and we have freedom of speech -hence Karen cannot shut me up on this blog- there is such a thing as having class and the intelligence to at least research your information because 9 times out of 10 I have read many things on Karen's blog that is grossly misrepresented, bald-faced lies, taken out of context or not even anywhere close to the actual truth. She takes pleasure in the heart aches of others, salivates over the chaos that she causes and I am completely convinced the woman has multiple orgasms over her "rag mag in the making" blogs. I do not make a habit of reading Karen's blog for the simple purpose of them is to cause heartache. Once in awhile I find myself led there because another author friend has been slighted. I have offered them the advice of ignore her since most of her ramblings are complete bullshit anyway and nobody takes stock in them anyway.

I guess that I am no better, however, I don't feel that I am putting anyone down. I am not here posting just for my friend's benefit but also as a sounding board for others who may have been waylaid by this Karen's misguided notions that "she knows best" which as I have stated before only God knows best, all others learn to know better and follow His lead. Kiss my ass, Karen, and get a life. Is your life so infinitely and disgustingly boring and sad that you must create such disturbing hype and ridiculous half-truths that malign so many innocent people? Sure sometimes you get a hold of "letters" you have no clue at their origin or face value other than to watch the fireworks go off when you've just stepped on too many wrong toes. But your general cause is sick and perverse and a blight on the writing community. Get a life. Better yet, get laid. Maybe you won't be so hard-up for attention...

I honestly hate to stoop to anyone's distorted and gutter levels but I look at my blog as not stooping to Karen's level but ascending a pedestal to look down on her wallowing in filth and self-pity.

Now someone may ask just what is her blog's address? Well, I don't know that I can legally post that here without her permission. I can't be sued for libel or slander or defamation of character because I haven't named names only given you her first name Karen. Yes there must be 250 million Karens in the entire country but only one in general I am referring to. If you'd like to know what the site address is, I don't think it'd be illegal to send you the link via e-mail because technically I am only sending you a link to view something of interest. How you perceive the exchange is your own problem. It's your prerogative how you go about your lives.

Anyhow, I look forward to seeing what Karen will blast across her blogs when she finds out about mine. I hope she sees herself and realizes I am talking about her and that I am launching a campaign to expose her sad little game in life. I have a friend whose own blog is calling Karen out right and making it personal and I think she is well within her rights. I don't blame her. I think she was unfairly portrayed and misaligned by the hoity toity Karen who thinks she knows best. Anyhow, my friend's blog is at this link http://boycottkaren.blogspot.com/

Always -and one who knows better,
Kitty D

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